The Twenty-Minute Trainer
Lessons on Correctional Work,
Leadership, and Effectiveness
By Gary F. Cornelius
From one of the country's leading correctional trainers—thought-provoking "Roll Call" talks
designed to build correctional officer competence, confidence, and commitment…
“In a word, superb.”
—Michael B. Mushlin, Professor of Law, Pace University
“Thanks for providing a great resource that can help practitioners to do their jobs more effectively.”
—David M. Parrish, DMP Correctional Consulting
From one of the acknowledged leaders in correctional
training, this unique collection of inspirational essays on law, security, behavior, duty, safety, and professional conduct is designed for jail and prison administrators, supervisors, and correctional trainers seeking to build staff
skills, knowledge, and professionalism.
Corrections has come a long way. Officers are better educated, better trained, and more professional than ever. They are held to a higher standard, too. Correctional officers are not just “guards”—security is still the top priority, but COs must also function as first responders, mediators, referees, mentors, counselors, and psychologists. Thanks to research, we know more now about how incarceration affects inmates—how the experience of deprivation, “prisonization,” and adjustment can produce behavioral and psychological changes that can make a resident easier to manage or harder. How medical problems and mental illness factor in. How ethnicity, culture, sexual identity, and gang affiliation are expressed and intensified in a jail or prison environment. The correctional officer must understand and be prepared to deal with all of these potent forces.
Based on the author's forty years'
experience as jail supervisor and profesional trainer, The
Twenty-Minute Trainer addresses the full range of challenges
that face correctional officers today, in brief, lively,
thought-provoking commentaries managers can adapt for use with
veteran and new officers alike.
A note from the author ...
"Training plays a vital role in the public safety
professions. Jail administrators and commanders, prison wardens and
superintendents have a professional and legal obligation to see that
staff are informed, educated, and drilled on the skills and duties
of the job. A finding of 'failure to train' will subject an agency to
serious legal liability, including damage awards and scrutiny under
a court-appointed monitor... (More)
What your colleagues are saying about The Twenty-Minute Trainer… “In a word it is superb. The book is a clear-eyed, balanced insightful treatment of the landmark cases by the United States Supreme Court spanning the last forty years which created for the first time a body of constitutional law regulating prisons. Mr. Collins is a superb writer who has the rare ability to describe complicated legal concepts in understandable ways without oversimplifying. In this work, Mr. Collins not only clearly describes these critical Supreme Court cases and how they fit together to form an understandable pattern, but he also does so in a manner that makes the book a pleasure to read. This book is written primarily for an audience of jail and prison managers. While this is an important audience, I believe this book deserves a wider audience than that. Anyone who is interested in prisons and jails in America will benefit enormously from reading this work.”
—Michael P. Mushlin, Professor of Law, Pace University
“For over 34 years I worked for the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office
in Tampa, Florida. The last 27 years of my career there were spent
as the commander (Colonel) in charge of the Jail System. During that
time, it grew from 1,200 inmates to almost 5,000. Concurrently, I
had the opportunity to oversee the design and construction of 5,000
beds of direct supervision housing and, because of the support I
received from progressive sheriffs, our whole Jail System was ACA
accredited. I have known Bill Collins for many years, but I wish that I had
met him earlier in my career. I consider him to be the “best in the
business.” His legal acumen, coupled with a practical application of
the law, has made him an invaluable resource to people who
administer jails nationwide. His book is on point,
provides proper historical perspective, and permits corrections
professions to better understand why they should adopt reasonable
procedures. Thank you for providing those of us in the corrections
business with a great resource that can help practitioners to do
their jobs more effectively.”
—David M. Parrish, DMP Correctional Consulting
“This book is a little jewel that may be cradled by
criminal justice students, prisoners, and criminal justice
—Fred Cohen, Executive Editor,
Correctional Law Reporter
Related Publications:
Correctional Law Reporter
Corrections Managers' Report
The Supreme Court and Corrections
Table of Contents (PDF)
Format: Hardcover Book
© MMXXII 260 pp.
ISBN: 978-1-939083-23-4
Price: US $135.95
Product Code: TMT