Scabies Outbreaks
Author: Margaret Moreland (Reviewer).
Source: Volume 18, Number 02, January/February 2017 , pp.17-18(2)

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Outbreaks of scabies, an inflammatory and itchy skin infestation caused by the burrowing of the mite sarcoptes scabiei into the skin, can be extremely troublesome in institutional settings such as prisons and jails. A new study from Australia examines the incidence, symptomology, diagnostic protocols, and treatment for scabies. The report, “Retrospective Analysis of Institutional Scabies Outbreaks from 1984 to 2013: Lessons Learned and Moving Forward” by K. E. Mounsey, H. C. Murray, M. King, and F. Oprescu, published in 144 Epidemiology and Infection 2462 (2016), is reviewed and summarized by Margaret Moreland.Keywords: Institutional Scabies Outbreaks
1: Pace University Law School.