Worth Reading
Author: Margaret Moreland.
Source: Volume 18, Number 02, January/February 2017 , pp.19-22(4)

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Our regular survey of important research findings. Includes reviews of “Patterns and Trends of Newly Diagnosed HIV Infections among Adults and Adolescents in Correctional and Noncorrectional Facilities, United States, 2008-2011” by Albert E. Barskey, Aruna Surendera Babu, Angela Hernandez, and Lorena Espinoza, published in 106 American Journal of Public Health 103 (2016); “The Relationship between Education and Health among Incarcerated Men and Women in the United States” by Kathryn M. Nowotny, Ryan K. Masters, and Jason D. Boardman, published in 16 BMC Public Health 916 (2016); and “A Three-Dimensional Action Plan to Raise the Quality of Care of US Correctional Health and Promote Alternatives to Incarceration” by Dr. Homer Venters, the Chief Medical Officer and Assistant Vice President of the Division of Correctional Health Services for New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation, published in 106 American Journal of Public Health 613 (2016).Keywords: HIV Infection; Relationship Between Education Level and Health; Quality Improvement
1: Pace University Law School.