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Polyvictimization in Later Life  

Author:  Holly  Ramsey-Klawsnik, Ph.D..; Candace  Heisler, J.D..

Source: Volume 17, Number 01, May/June 2014 , pp.3-6(4)

Victimization of the Elderly and Disabled

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The National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NCPEA) has been awarded a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) to conduct a two-year (2013-2015) project regarding polyvictimization in later life. An outcome of this project will be the development of a definition of polyvictimization during later life, as supported by evidence from research and practice developed by the academics and practitioners involved in the project. A key goal is to illuminate how a polyvictimization perspective may improve the understanding of and response to older adults experiencing multiple victimizations and resultant trauma.

Keywords: elder abuse content experts; physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse and care provider neglect; dementia; “cascading” effect; Family Perpetration; Facility Abuse; victim-centered and trauma-informed responses

Affiliations:  1: sociologist researcher; 2: retired assistant district attorney.

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