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New Insights into the Causes and Consequences of Abuse, Part I  

Author:  Loree  Cook-Daniels M. S..

Source: Volume 14, Number 04, November/December 2011 , pp.49-53(5)

Victimization of the Elderly and Disabled

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A rapidly growing body of new research—focused on brain development, the role of subconscious perceptions and beliefs, and the biological changes trauma forces on us—is shedding new light on how abusive behavior may flow from generation to generation, or lead from one type of abuse to another. One fruitful area of investigation is attachment theory. Attachment theory states that how a baby is treated by its primary caregivers sets down a pattern of how that child will react to intimacy that often follows her through life. Oddly, maltreatment actually increases attachment. This article treats several applications of this theory and other models, with case studies.

Keywords: attachment theory; addiction to stress; altered processing; relationship to authority

Affiliations:  1: FORGE.

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