An Integrated Approach to Aftercare and Employment for Criminal Justice Clients
Author: Harry K. Wexler.
Source: Volume 01, Number 02, March/April 2001 , pp.17-19(3)

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This article presents a proposal for rehabilitating drug-involved offenders and helping them move into the American mainstream through an approach that integrates recovery, education, and work. The widespread acceptance of prison-based treatment for substance abuse has focused attention on the importance of developing viable aftercare models to assist the growing numbers of treated inmates released to the community (Wexler, 1995). A consensus has emerged within the criminal justice and treatment systems that justice accountability is a powerful adjunct for treatment and that public health (effective treatment) and public safety are strongly interdependent. While cooperation between the criminal justice and treatment communities has succeeded in creating effective programs capable of reducing recidivism rates, there is a growing need for programs that focus primarily on meaningful employment.Keywords: job placement