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GPS Tracking: What America and England Might Learn From Each Other  

Author:  Mike Nellis.; J. Robert Lilly.

Source: Volume 17, Number 02, Summer/Fall 2004 , pp.5-8(4)

Journal of Offender Monitoring

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New Labour, which came to power in 1997, took many of its cues on law and order politics from Bill Clinton’s New Democrats, and with only slight variations of emphasis have largely built upon the punitive, electorally popular crime control strategies established by their Conservative government predecessors. At the latter’s heart was the idea that “prison works” - a readiness to emulate America’s strategy of incapacitation. In different ways, both countries can now claim to be world leaders in the use of EM - America’s usage is far larger, but England’s is far more systematic and strategic. The aim of this article is to apprise English readers of the rather limited evidence about tracking available in the U.S., and to apprise American readers of the way in which EM in England has been enlisted into a political strategy for stabilizing, if not actually reducing prison use.

Keywords: GPS Monitoring Feasibility, Cost, Effectiveness

Affiliations:  1: The University of Birmingham; 2: Northern Kentucky University.

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