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Current DUI Offenders With Pending DUI Charges—Recidivism Insight From a Unique Offender Sample  

Author:  Lisa  Degiorgio.

Source: Volume 23, Number 03, Spring 2014 , pp.5-9(5)

Journal of Community Justice (formerly Journal of Community Corrections)

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This study explores the variation that might exist among repeat DUI offenders to help identify possible prediction factors and treatment interventions for evaluation staff and clinicians. It uses a unique sample of offenders, individuals who have initiated a DUI assessment for a previous offense and have another DUI charge pending. These are offenders who have acquired a DUI but have not initiated the court requirements before acquiring another DUI. Demographic, BAC, and driving behavior information was consistent with the larger population and previous research. Overall, the group demonstrated greater problem severity as measured by the Alcohol Scale and Driver Risk Scale, and to a lesser extent, the Drug Scale. Offenders in this group were more truthful than expected and managed stress better than expected. It was notable, given their situation, that most offenders in the sample were not motivated for treatment and did not consider their drinking, drug use, or driving to be problematic.

Keywords: DUI prediction, DUI recidivism, drunk driving, BAC, recidivism, treatment motivation

Affiliations:  1: Behavior Data Systems.

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