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Regulation Z Proposed Revisions Seek New Protections for Subprime Borrowers, But Place New Burdens on Lenders  

Author:  Joan Teresa Kay.

Source: Volume 21, Number 04, March/April 2008 , pp.37-45(9)

Journal of Taxation and Regulation of Financial Institutions

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The Federal Reserve Board’s proposal would create a new category of higher-priced mortgage loans that would receive additional protections beyond those that are proposed for mortgages secured by a borrower’s principal dwelling. The Board concedes in the preamble that full disclosure may not provide enough protection, given that consumers are likely to focus on a limited set of features, and disclosure of all features may be a case of providing more information than many people could absorb.

Keywords: Truth in Lending Act; Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act

Affiliations:  1: Consultant.

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