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Autopsy of a Self-Neglect Case  

Author:  Loree  Cook-Daniels M. S..

Source: Volume 15, Number 03, September/October 2012 , pp.35-39(5)

Victimization of the Elderly and Disabled

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This article describes in awful detail a classic self-neglect case, the subject found dead of heat exposure in August 2011 during which the heat index hit 112. What makes the case of Theodoric “Sonny” C. James Jr., age 71, different from other self-neglect cases is who he was before his precipitous decline. President George H.W. Bush, Nancy Reagan, and President George W. Bush all wrote letters extolling the work he did “with honor and distinction,” serving 10 different presidents for nearly 50 years, reading and cataloguing documents that flowed through the Oval Office.

Keywords: Theodoric “Sonny” James; barriers to emergency observation

Affiliations:  1: FORGE.

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