Stress Coping Abilities and Motivation for Treatment Among DUI Recidivists
Author: Lisa Degiorgio.; Herman Lindeman.
Source: Volume 22, Number 03, Spring 2013 , pp.5-9(5)

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Despite the depth and breadth of information available on recidivist characteristics and the identification of some prediction variables, very few studies have examine offender attitudes about drinking, coping strategies, motivation to change drinking patterns, or treatment engagement. These factors may refine prediction of DUI recidivism, as well as identify protective or mediating factors for reoffenders. This study examines stress management and treatment motivation for 4,295 DUI recidivists. The guiding hypothesis is that recidivists will have mean scale scores that indicate more severe problems with stress and coping. In addition, recidivists will report higher levels of motivation for engaging in treatment. This article explains the study’s design and details the results which confirm initial hypotheses.Keywords: DUI; DWI; drunk driving
1: Thomas University; 2: Behavior Data Systems.