Worth Reading
Author: Russ Immarigeon.
Source: Volume 27, Number 01, Fall 2017 , pp.13-20(8)

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Our book review editor Russ Immarigeon has selected nine interesting books that address current issues in corrections. The books discuss black men and criminal justice, criminal desistance, trauma and social-work-informed justice, women and criminal justice, and agnostic understanding. All of the books appear to provide informative insights into the working of the criminal and correctional systems. Two books particularly caught my attention. Global Perspectives on Desistance: Reviewing What We Know and Looking to the Future, edited by Shapland, Farrall, and Bottoms, will give any reader interested in desistance a clear picture of what is known and what is still left to know about desisting from crime. Breaking the Pendulum: The Long Struggle over Criminal Justice, edited by Goodman, Page, and Phelps, challenges the simple notion that the criminal justice system swings between rehabilitation and punitive positions and argues that the reality is more nuanced. This looks like an excellent read for policy makers and advocates for reform.Keywords: Black Men and Criminal Justice; Black Responses to Crime; Physical and Conceptual Chokeholds; Criminal Desistance; Trauma- and Social Work-Informed Justice; Forensic Social Work in Juvenile Settings; Women & Criminal Justice
1: Book Review Editor.