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Changing Abusers’ Behavior: What Works, What Doesn’t  

Author:  Barry  Goldstein, J.D..

Source: Volume 04, Number 04, Spring 2012 , pp.341-357(17)

Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly

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Barry Goldstein, J.D., a prolific author and frequent contributor to FIPVQ, has written extensively about batterers’ tactics. For him, effective intervention with batterers starts with ensuring the physical and emotional safety of victims, which many commonly used treatment protocols, fail to do. He argues that despite our growing body of knowledge and research on the phenomenon of domestic abuse, the average judge, lawyer, and other legal personnel continue to be taken in by the typical batterer manipulations. This is also true, he notes, of the average clergyperson, journalist, and other professionals who might otherwise, if they knew better, contribute to the safety of battered women and their children. Mr. Goldstein goes on to offers a concrete and detailed set of recommendations that would, if adopted, go a long way toward exposing and defeating the interpersonal violations that batterers are able to perpetrate without letup and, all too often, without any legal or other consequences.

Keywords: Accountability, consequence, monitoring, child custody, Quincy Model, Multi-Disciplinary Approach, sexism, Loving v. Virginia

Affiliations:  1: VCS Domestic Violence Program for Men.

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