“Siloed” DV and Child Welfare Systems Harm Children
Author: Megan A. Miller.
Source: Volume 15, Number 03, Winter 2023 , pp.43-50(8)

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Contemporary social science research recognizes a strong link between domestic violence and child maltreatment. Many of the same dynamics and behaviors that cause domestic violence also increase the risk of child maltreatment, and vice versa. In many households where intimate partner violence is present, child abuse or maltreatment is also present. In short, child abuse and spousal abuse tend to walk hand in hand. Given the high rates of domestic violence and child abuse in the United States and the correlation between these two phenomena, it should follow that experts and decision makers involved in child custody decisions would be aware of the reciprocal risks and impacts that domestic violence and child maltreatment have on families and children. Sadly, this is not the case. In this article, Megan Miller, an attorney and licensed counselor with an active practice and extensive experience in this area, applies the insights put forward in the landmark article, “Breaking Down the Silos That Cause Harm to Children: A Call to Child Welfare, Domestic Violence and Family Court Professionals,” by law professors Joan S. Meier and Vivek Sankaran. This article reviews the historic separation between the arenas of child welfare and domestic violence, identifies persistent adverse consequences for children and parents that this separation imposes (including incompetent agency responses, poor coordination, and miscommunication), and suggests remedies for those deep and broadly reaching issues.Keywords: Siloed Child Welfare and Domestic Abuse Systems
1: Certified Domestic Violence Counselor.