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Female Officers as DV Victims  

Author:  Jan  Russell, J.D..

Source: Volume 17, Number 01, October/November 2011 , pp.1-4(4)

Domestic Violence Report

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We would like to think that going through a domestic violence training or two would make us immune to becoming victims ourselves. Unfortunately, police officers do become victims of domestic violence—as do advocates, prosecutors, and others who work in related fields. While male officers can be victimized, female officers are much more likely than male officers to be abused and are often, in fact, abused by the male officers with whom they have relationships. This article discusses the unique dynamics of battered female officers, whether battered in heterosexual or same-sex relationships. It contains a table comparing on-duty risk with DV risk and contains recommendations for the future.

Keywords: stereotypes used against female officers

Affiliations:  1: Chicago Police Department.

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