Fourth Circuit Finds Civil Rights Remedy of VAWA Unconstitutional
Author: Julie Goldscheid, Esq. .; Joan Zorza, Esq..
Source: Volume 04, Number 05, June/July 1999 , pp.65-66(2)
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On Friday, March 5, 1999, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, sitting en banc (full court), ruled against Christy Brzonkala, and struck down the Civil Rights Remedy of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) as unconstitutional. The court divided 7- 4 on the issue. Julie Goldscheid, NOW LDEF Senior Staff Attorney, argued the case before the court. The Justice Department also argued in support of the Civil Rights Remedy’s constitutionality.Keywords: United States v. Lopez; Ericson v. Syracuse University
1: NOW LDEF; 2: Editor, Domestic Violence Report.