Multimodality Quality Assurance Instrument For Prison- and Community- Based Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
Author: Gerald Melnick.; Harry K. Wexler.
Source: Volume 04, Number 01, January/February 2004 , pp.01-05(5)
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The Multimodality Quality Assurance Instrument (MQA) was developed to help substance abuse treatment programs improve treatment delivery by providing an easy-to-use system for identifying areas in need of improvement and by tracking changes in programs over time. The instrument provides information about the program from four different perspectives, those of the program director, the clinical supervisors, the primary treatment counselors, and the clients. In addition to these internal program comparisons, an MQA data base provides normative information to make comparisons with similar programs on a wide array of organizational, programmatic, service, and treatment characteristics while controlling for costs per client. In the present article, the authors elaborate on the description of this tool and explain its benefits.Keywords: best practices
1: National Development and Research Institutes; 2: National Development and Research Institutes.