Complete Issue OSA 0403
Author: Kevin Knight, PhD.; David Farabee, PhD.
Source: Volume 04, Number 03, May/June 2004 , pp.33-48(16)

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The complete issue includes links from table of contents entries to articles, and link article continuations, to facilitate reading. Also included are the regular "From the Literature" and "Legal Developments" articles, which feature "Substance Use, Health, and Mental Health: Problems and Service Utilization Among Incarcerated Women" by Michele Staton, Carl Leukefeld, and J. Matthew Webster 47(2) International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 224 (2003) and Hoover v. Saenz, 2003 Cal. App. Unpub. LEXIS 11499 (Cal. Ct. App. Nov. 20, 2003) respectively. Also included is "Influencing Motivation for Change Using the Addiction/Offender Cycle" by Edward A. Roberts et al.Keywords: cooccuring disorders; best practices
1: Institute of Behavioral Research, Texas Christian University; 2: Integrated Substance Abuse Programs, University of California-Los Angeles.