Worth Reading
Author: Stacy Calhoun.
Source: Volume 16, Number 04, November/December 2012 , pp.53-55(3)

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This literature review details the findings of two new and important studies, including, “Reducing Juvenile Recidivism With Cognitive Training and a Cell Phone Follow-Up: An Evaluation of the Real Victory Program” by Bert Burraston, David Cherrington, and Stephen Bahr, in 56(1) International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (2012) 61–80 and “The First 90 Days Following Release From Jail: Findings From the Recovery Management Checkups for Women Offenders (RMCWO) Experiment” by Christy Scott and Michael Dennis, in 125(1–2), Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2012) 110–118.Keywords: Juvenile recidivism; first days out of jail; recidivism
1: UC Irvine.