Complete Issue
Author: Kevin Knight, Ph.D..; David Farabee, Ph.D..; Russ Immarigeon, MSW.
Source: Volume 16, Number 06, March/April 2013 , pp.81-96(16)

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This issue’s literature review summarizes the findings of two important new research studies, including, “Can Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) Work in the United States? Preliminary Results From a Randomized Experiment in Minnesota” by Grant Duwe, in 25(2) Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment (2013) 143–165; and “A Random Study of Staff Training Aimed at Reducing Re-Arrest (STARR): Using Core Correctional Practices in Probation Interaction” by Charles Robinson, Christopher Lowenkamp, Alexander Holsinger, Scott VanBenschoten, Melissa Alexander, and J.C. Oleson, in 35(2) Journal of Crime and Justice (2012) 167–188Keywords: Reintegrating Sex Offenders; Community Supervision Skills
1: Texas Christian University’s Institute of Behavioral Research; 2: University of California, Los Angeles Integrated Substance Abuse Programs (ISAP).