The Health and Mental Health Needs of Incarcerated Women
Author: Susan J. Rose, Ph.D..; Thomas P. LeBel, Ph.D..; Joan M. Blakey, Ph.D..
Source: Volume 17, Number 04, May/June 2016 , pp.53-63(11)
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Despite the growth in female incarcerated populations, we continue to fall short in our knowledge of the health and mental health needs of these women. This article comprehensively reviews literature relevant to the physical health, mental health, substance use, and co-occurring disorder treatment needs of incarcerated women and pregnant women. A case study of women incarcerated in a large Midwestern county jail is discussed as well as policy and practice recommendations. The focus is primarily on women in jails, with some more general information and guidelines for the care of women in prison settings, too.Keywords: Jail vs. Prison; increase in incarceration of women; pregnancy; physical and sexual abuse; reproductive health problems; significantly more mental health issues; substance abuse; co-occurring disorders; AUDIT-12
1: Univ of Wisconsin Helen Bader School of Social Work; 2: Univ of Wisconsin; 3: Univ of Wisconsin.