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Author:  Donald G Evans.

Source: Volume 22, Number 01, Fall 2012 , pp.1-28(28)

Journal of Community Justice (formerly Journal of Community Corrections)

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The submission of “Connor’s Tale,” by George Drake and Linda Connelly, is a departure from the usual articles readers of JCC would expect to read. Because the journal is interested in conveying information to practitioners, it seems appropriate that we experiment with different forms of communicating the ideas and concepts that are the result of research and evaluation. The article on how and why people stop offending was originally prepared by Fergus McNeill and his colleagues as part of the Discovering Desistance project and provide a summary of what is useful and efficacious in supporting desistance from crime. It is a brief introduction to the evidence supporting the concept of desistance and a good reminder of the importance of supportive relationships and their role in assisting individuals to cease from criminal activities and adopt prosocial pathways. Dr. Lisa Degiorgio and Dr. Herman Lindeman report on the psychometric properties of the Sexual Adjustment Inventory (SAI) a 225-item 13-scale sex offender screening instrument that includes both static and dynamic factors amenable to change through treatment.

Keywords: Desistance; electronic monitoring; sex offender risk assessment

Affiliations:  1: Journal Editor.

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