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Author:  Don Evans.

Source: Volume 16, Number 02, Winter 2007 , pp.1-32(32)

Journal of Community Justice (formerly Journal of Community Corrections)

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This issue contains examples of what a community of practice such as ICCA can provide for its members and JCC readers. Jane Browning, executive director of ICCA, reports on ICCA’s Compendium of Best Practices project. This project surveyed the field of community corrections, seeking to determine what were the best and most promising practices currently in use. Nearly 900 research documents have been collected and added to the fledging database that will be accessible eventually online. The second article in this issue is also an excellent example of the role associations can play in producing timely and thoughtful analysis of current issues challenging the field. Dena Hanley and Michael K. Allen, in their discussion of reentry as a way to fight crime through public safety and cost effectiveness, demonstrate the importance of sharing our information and knowledge.Sally Cherry (who has published previously in JCC) and Len Cheston to our pages. Their article on the development of a model regime for Approved Premises explores key issues in the efforts to enhance the residential work with offenders. In the United Kingdom, Approved Premises have become an important aspect of the management of high-risk offenders and are often the only viable accommodation available for supervision of these offenders.


Affiliations:  1: Journal Editor.

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