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Typical Drugs Used to Facilitate Sexual Assault  

Author:  Roslyn  Myers, J.D..

Source: Volume 12, Number 01, December/January 2011 , pp.7-9(3)

Sex Offender Law Report

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Increasingly, pharmacology has permeated modern society. It seems every ailment is a diagnosable medical problem that can be counteracted by a pill or powder. The same holds true for some crimes. The use of drugs as chemical tools to facilitate sexual assault (DFSA) has captured the minds of the public in recent years. Most reports have focused on the use of Rohypnol® as a drug in sexual assaults on casual dates, but there are other drugs and derivations of Rohypnol’s chemical compounds that have the same effect. DFSA is thought to be on the rise, but measures are incomplete and the assessment of whether the individual took a drug voluntarily or not is difficult to determine in most cases. The article below describes the most commonly used drugs for sexual assault, and outlines their characteristics and effects.


Affiliations:  1: Managing Editor.

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