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Research Indicates That Mentoring Programs Reduce Substance Abuse in Youths  

Author:  Denis Foley.

Source: Volume 06, Number 04, Fall 2002 , pp.81-82(2)

Impaired Driving Update

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Mentoring programs — programs that pair one child with one supportive and responsible adult — have an intuitive appeal. It is universally recognized that children need adults to provide love, guidance, and boundaries, among other things. And since many at-risk and delinquent children do not reside in two-parent homes, one might assume that these children would benefit from a structured relationship with a responsible adult who could provide an additional support system. But many interventions with intuitive appeal do not have demonstrated positive effects. This article looks at mentoring programs, what is so important about them, and the key points that need to be focused on in order for the program to work.

Keywords: Child Trends organization; Raising Ambition Instills Self-Esteem (RAISE);

Affiliations:  1: Editor.

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