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Incarcerating the Elderly  

Author:  Herbert A.  Rosefield.

Source: Volume 06, Number 06, September/October 2005 , pp.81-83(3)

Correctional Health Care Report

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Baby Boomers and Corrections The boomers are coming! The boomers are coming! No, not Mr. and Mrs. Boomer, but the baby boomers. According to many of the nation’s politicians and prognosticators, there will be so many retired baby boomers that Social Security and Medicare will be bankrupt. While that may never be allowed due to the importance of those programs, another area that will be hit just as hard is corrections. Unfortunately, little attention is being paid to the impact of an aging population on corrections, despite the fact that the total number of older inmates has been steadily growing over the past 10 to 20 years.

Keywords: limitations, hearing loss, dementia, malnutrition, chronic illness, visitation, geriatric

Affiliations:  1: Correctional Health Care Consultant.

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